As we mark the solemn occasion of the 23rd Anniversary, we remember the 2,977 precious lives lost on September 11, 2001, and the over 7,000 responders and survivors who have died since of 9/11-related illness.
We are pleased to announce the agenda for Tuesday, September 10th. The program brings together victims’ families, responders, and survivors, and the individuals and organizations who are dedicated to serving the 9/11 Community.
Join us for our upcoming support groups that provide an opportunity for 9/11 families, responders, survivors and families of those impacted by 9/11-related illness to gather virtually in advance of, and after the 23rd Anniversary.
From Norwalk to Danbury to New Milford, memorial services will honor lives lost in Sept. 11 attacks
Communities across the state, including from Norwalk to Danbury to New Milford, are planning to hold memorial services on Wednesday to pay tribute to the lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. More.
World Trade Center Health Program needs $3 billion in additional funding, 9/11 first responder advocates say
There is a new milestone to mark this Sept. 11. The number of people who died after volunteering, working or living near ground zero has surpassed the number of people killed in the attacks. And it has happened amid an ongoing struggle for more first responder funding. More.