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"The Great Circle"
Farmingdale, NY 11735
United States
Dedicated to:

Residents of Long Island who perished on 9/11

Victims Listed:
Marie Rose Abad
Andrew Anthony Abate
Richard A. Aceto
Christy A. Addamo
David S. Agnes "Dave"
Lt. Brian G. Ahearn
Capt. James Amato
Joseph P. Anchundia
Joseph John Angelini Jr. "Joe"
Joseph J. Angelini Sr.
David G. Arce "Buddha"
Janice Ashley
Ezra Aviles
Robert J. Baierwalter
James W. Barbella
Sheila P. Barnes
Scott D. Bart
Lawrence I. Beck
Alvin Bergsohn
Joshua David Birnbaum
Janice L. Blaney
Craig Michael Blass
Bruce Douglas Boehm "Chappy"
Frank J. Bonomo
Gary R. Box
Michael Boyle
Peter Brennan
Capt. Daniel J. Brethel "Danny"
Herman C. Broghammer
Bettina B. Browne-Radburn
Richard Bruehert
Dennis Buckley
Nancy Bueche
Matthew J. Burke "Matt"
Thomas Daniel Burke
Capt. William F. Burke Jr.
Donald J. Burns
Thomas M. Butler
Timothy G. Byrne
Michael John Cahill
George C. Cain
Roko Camaj
Jonathan N. Cappello "Jono"
James Christopher Cappers
Richard Michael Caproni
Dennis M. Carey Sr.
Michael Scott Carlo
James J. Carson Jr. "Jay"
Paul Cascio
Robert J. Caufield
Judson J. Cavalier
Michael Joseph Cawley
Jason Cefalu
Joni Cesta
William Chalcoff
Dorothy J. Chiarchiaro
Nicholas P. Chiofalo Jr.
Christopher Ciafardini
Susan M. Clyne
Steven Coakley "Steve"
Mark J. Colaio
Stephen J. Colaio
Kevin Nathaniel Colbert
Robert D. Colin
Ronald Comer
James Lee Connor
Jonathan Connors "J.C."
Joseph A. Corbett "Joe"
Kevin M. Cosgrove
Michael S. Costello "Stitch"
Timothy John Coughlin
James E. Cove
Michele Coyle-Eulau
Lt. John A. Crisci
Dennis A. Cross
Thomas G. Crotty "Tommy"
Neil James Cudmore
Laurence Curia "TheClam"
Michael Curtin
Vincent D'Amadeo
Manuel DaMota
Vincent G. Danz
William T. Dean
Robert J. DeAngelis Jr.
Thomas P. DeAngelis
Tara M. Debek
Anna DeBin
Martin N. DeMeo "Marty"
Thomas F. Dennis "Tom"
Lt. Andrew Desperito
Michael L. DiAgostino
Obdulio Ruiz Diaz
Judith Diaz-Sierra
Joseph D. Dickey Jr.
William J. Dimmling
Charles Dominguez "Carlos"
Jerome M.P. Dominguez "Jerome"
Lt. Kevin W. Donnelly
Jacqueline Donovan
Raymond M. Downey Sr.
Gerard Duffy
Michael J. Duffy
Christopher J. Dunne
Patrick T. Dwyer "Paddy-D"
Robert D. Eaton
Dennis M. Edwards
Eric Adam Eisenberg
Mark J. Ellis
Erwin L. Erker "BigE"
Francis Esposito
Robert E. Evans "Bobby"
Keith G. Fairben
William Lawrence Fallon Jr.
Dolores B. Fanelli
John Joseph Fanning "Jack"
Capt. Thomas Farino
FF Terrence Patrick Farrell
Thomas P. Farrelly
Robert C. Fazio Jr.
Lee S. Fehling
Robert John Ferris
Ryan D. Fitzgerald
Richard P. Fitzsimons
Andre G. Fletcher
John J. Florio
Stephen Mark Fogel "Steve"
David Fontana
Ana Fosteris
Robert J. Foti
Jeffrey L. Fox
Brett O. Freiman
Arlene E. Fried
Andrew K. Friedman
Thomas Gambino Jr.
Peter J. Ganci Jr.
David Garcia
Thomas A. Gardner
William A. Gardner
Bruce Gary
Paul Hamilton Geier
Steven Paul Geller "Steve"
Peter Victor Genco
Edward F. Geraghty
James Gerard Geyer "Jimmy"
Capt. Vincent Francis Giammona
Ronnie E. Gies
Steven A. Giorgetti
Cynthia Giugliano
Jeffrey Grant Goldflam
Gilbert Franco Granados "Gil"
Winston Arthur Grant ""Spitty""
Wade B. Green
David Grimner "Dave"
Matthew J. Grzymalski
James A. Haran
Timothy Haskell
Capt. Terence S. Hatton
Michael H. Haub
Lt. Michael K. Healey
Gary Herold
Capt. Brian C. Hickey
Thomas A. Hobbs "Tommy"
Ronald George Hoerner "Ron"
Stephen G. Hoffman
James Patrick Hopper "Jimmy"
Michael Horn
George Howard
Jennifer L. Howley
Kris Robert Hughes
Joseph G. Hunter
Robert R Hussa
Jonathan Lee Ielpi
Michael Patrick Iken
Louis S. Inghilterra
Douglas J. Irgang
Aram Iskenderian Jr.
Brooke Alexandra Jackman
Jake Denis Jagoda
Francois Jean-Pierre
William R. Johnston
Arthur Joseph Jones III
Christopher D. Jones
Andrew Jordan
Jane Eileen Josiah
Lt. Anthony Jovic
P.O. Paul W. Jurgens
Thomas Edward Jurgens
Vincent D. Kane
Douglas G. Karpiloff
John Katsimatides
Frederick H. Kelley
James Joseph Kelly
Joseph A. Kelly
Timothy C. Kelly
Thomas J. Kennedy
Lt. Ronald T. Kerwin
Michael Kiefer
Ronald Phillip Kloepfer
Ryan A. Kohart
Frederick Kuo Jr.
Amarnauth Lachhman "Amo"
Stephen LaMantia
Gary H. Lee
Edward J. Lehman
David Ralph Leistman
John Robinson Lenoir
Jeffrey LeVeen "Jeff"
Neil D. Levin
Robert Levine
Ralph M. Licciardi
Carlos R. Lillo
Robert Thomas Linnane
Elizabeth Claire Logler "Beth"
Salvatore P. Lopes
Charles Peter Lucania
Anthony Luparello
Farrell P. Lynch
Louise A. Lynch
Michael F. Lynch
Lt. Patrick John Lyons
Noell Maerz
Brian Magee
Charles Wilson Magee
Thomas Anthony Mahon
William J. Mahoney II
Joseph Maio ""BigJoe""
Joseph E. Maloney "Teddy"
Debra M. Mannetta "Debbie"
Terence J. Manning
Laura A. Marchese
Edward Joseph Mardovich
Lester Vincent Marino
Vita Marino
Karen Martin
Lt. Peter C. Martin
Jose Martinez
Stephen F. Masi
Rudolph Mastrocinque "Rudy"
Kathy N. Mazza
Brian McAleese
Brendan McCabe
Justin J. McCarthy
Michael Desmond McCarthy
Matthew T. McDermott
Brian G. McDonnell
Ann McGovern
Thomas M. McHale ""The Laugher""
Donald James McIntyre
Robert C. McLaughlin Jr.
Terence McShane
Martin E. McWilliams
Rocco A. Medaglia
Alok Kumar Mehta
Raymond Meisenheimer
Stuart Todd Meltzer
Charles R. Mendez
Ralph Joseph Mercurio
George Merkouris
Jill A. Metzler
Henry Miller Jr.
Joel Miller
Charles M. Mills Jr.
Thomas Mingione
Joseph Mistrulli
Frank V. Moccia Sr.
Manuel Mojica Jr.
Craig D. Montano
Dorothy Morgan
Richard Muldowney Jr.
Michael D. Mullan
Kevin James Murphy
James Francis Murphy IV "Jimmy"
Lt. John P. Napolitano
Manika Narula
Karen S. Navarro
Rayman Marcus Neblett
Laurence Nedell
Michele Ann Nelson
Peter A. Nelson
Frank John Niestadt
John Ballantine Niven
Katherine McGarry Noack "Katie"
Jeffrey Nussbaum
Dennis O'Berg
Michael P. O'Brien "OB"
Timothy Michael O'Brien
Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan
Kevin O'Rourke
Patrick J. O'Shea
Douglas Oelschlager
Gerald Michael Olcott
Maureen L. Olson "Rene"
Michael C. Opperman
Peter K. Ortale
James Robert Ostrowski
Michael J. Otten
Peter J. Owens "Pete"
B.C. Orio Joseph Palmer
B.C. John M. Paolillo
Edward J. Papa
Dipti Patel
Bernard E. Patterson "Bernie"
Durrell V. Pearsall Jr.
Thomas E. Pedicini
Anthony Perez
Joseph John Perroncino
Steve Pollicino
Richard N. Poulos "Richie"
Kevin Prior
B.C. Richard Prunty
John F. Puckett
Christopher Quackenbush
Lincoln Quappe
Harry A. Raines
Edward Rall
Lorenzo Ramzey
Adam David Rand
Gregory Reda
Lt. Robert M. Regan "Bobby"
Kenneth F. Rice III
Claude D. Richards
Joseph Rivelli "Jr."
Donald Robson
Antonio Jose Carrusca Rodrigues
Matthew Rogan
Joseph M. Romagnolo
Mark H. Rosen
Brooke David Rosenbaum
Andrew I. Rosenblum
Timothy A. Roy Sr.
Bart Joseph Ruggiere
Susan Ann Ruggiero
Adam K. Ruhalter "Bubba"
Lt. Michael Thomas Russo
Jonathan Stephen Ryan
Francis John Sadocha "Frank"
Wayne John Saloman
Frank Salvaterra
Alva Cynthia Jeffries Sanchez
Paul F. Sarle
Dennis Scauso
Frank G. Schott
Gerard P. Schrang "Juice"
Edward W. Schunk
Mark Schwartz
Michael Seaman
Jeffrey J. Shaw
John Anthony Sherry
Stephen Gerard Siller "Steve"
David Silver
Peter A. Siracuse
Stanley Smagala Jr.
Daniel Laurence Smith "Danny"
Kevin J. Smith
John Anthony Spataro
William E. Spitz "Will"
B.C. Lawrence T. Stack
Gregory Stajk
William V. Steckman "Bill"
Andrew Stern
Lonny J. Stone
Thomas S. Strada
Walwyn W. Stuart
Daniel Suhr
Lt. Christopher P. Sullivan
James Joseph Suozzo
Robert Sutcliffe
Brian D. Sweeney
Kevin T. Szocik
Michael Taddonio
Keiichiro Takahashi
Paul Talty
Brian Terrenzi
Brian T. Thompson
Glenn E. Thompson
Stephen E Tighe
John J Tipping II
Michelle Titolo
Stephen K. Tompsett
Daniel Patrick Trant "Dan"
Diane Maria Urban
John D. Vaccacio "Damien"
Matthew G. Vianna
John T. Vigiano II "Vig"
Joseph V. Vigiano "JoeyVig"
Frank J. Vignola Jr.
Joshua S. Vitale
Garo H. Voskerijian
Glen J. Wall
Mitchel Scott Wallace "Mitch"
John Wallice Jr. "Red"
Derrick Washington
Charles Waters
Kenneth Watson
Walter E. Weaver
Dinah Webster
Steven J. Weinberg "Stevie"
David M. Weiss
Oleh D. Wengerchuk
Mary Lenz Wieman
Lt. Glenn Wilkinson
Crossley Williams Jr.
Kevin M. Williams
Donna Ann Wilson
William E. Wilson "Bill"
Glenn J. Winuk
David Wiswall
William Wren Ret.
John W. Wright Jr.
Raymond York
Joseph Zaccoli
Ira Zaslow
Prokopios Paul Zois "Paul"
Joseph J. Zuccala
Andrew Steven Zucker

The I-Beam is honoring the sacrifice of the 60 members of the Building Trade Union lost on 9/11/01. "I-Beam" was donated to the memorial by Lee Ielpi of 9/11 Families Association.

article about the memorial -

The Long Island 9/11 Memorial was envisioned as a place of solemn reflection, as well as a place of tribute for heroism, community cohesion and education. Expected to be completed in two phases, a memorial will be erected on a seven-acre site located on the grounds of State University of New York at Farmingdale. The memorial will honor and remember all Long Islanders who perished on 9/11, celebrate those Long Islanders who came to the aid of those in need, and create an area of contemplation and reflection for survivors, family and friends of the deceased, and anyone seeking solace.