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Anonymous (not verified)

February 18, 2020

I'm very sorry for the loss of your daughter she was young and pretty. I can't really say I understand what your going through because I'm not in your situation is a lot tougher then mine but I do feel your pain and I have had a lot of family members who were killed and didn't deserve it and with no warning. She probably had lots of dreams and goals she wanted to accomplish she had a life she wanted to live.

Posted by Alize B.

Anonymous (not verified)

February 18, 2020

Dear Family and Friends of Christy Addamo,
We are high school students anf learning about the events that occurred on September 11 2001. We are so sorry that you lost a very special loved one on that day. We read information about Christy like how she loved to swim with the stingrays and was a NY Yankee fan. We especially like how much she loved her family and he special bond with her mother. Please know that your loved on is being remembered and honored today! Blessings to your family

Published by Wyatt Clowers and Luke Rust

Anonymous (not verified)

February 18, 2020

Dear Christy A. Addamo

Ten years ago on September 11, were an innocent victim of a vicious attack. I am deeply sorry you and others were killed on that terrible day. In a way it has strengthen America it has brought us together in so many ways. If I could say one thing to you your death was not in vein. Although it has been ten years we will not forget your death or the ones who died alongside you. May you rest in peace.

Posted by Ashley Russell

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