AON Corporation
| Vice President of Claims
Dedicated Memorial Sites:
Babylon 9/11 MemorialGardens of Remembrance
Long Island 9/11 Memorial
Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
A Vice President in the Claims Department at Aon, Kevin M. Cosgrove, 46, of West Islip, N.Y., was a loyal company man.
One of seven children from a tightly knit Long Island family, Cosgrove spent much of his free time with his wife, Wendy, and their three children, Brian, 12, Claire, 9, and Elizabeth, 4.
7 years ago at this moment I
7 years ago at this moment I sat pregnant, stunned with my 4 year old daughter watching what was unfolding in my country... My home. I stumbled across the recording of Kevin's voice today and was transported back to that moment.
I sat here... sobbing as my daughter asked "Mom what's wrong"? I couldn't answer. I was frozen by the terror in Kevin's voice as the tower fell from beneath him. I will never forget it. God Bless You.
Kevin Cosgrove
Posted by Charlene Shadler
First time in 14 years I
First time in 14 years I heard this, I almost wish I didn't listen to it as I cried so hard. I didn't even mean to, just came across it while watching 9/11 videos on YouTube... I'm so sorry, to you Kevin, to your wife and your family. I will never forget your words or what you must have went through... RIP
Posted by Heather Hoffman
Your Last Words
Mr. Cosgrove, your last words haunt me. I can't even imagine what you were going through at those moments. I am so sorry for you and your family. I know you just wanted to go home to them. May your spirit RIP. God Bless your family. You will never be forgotten.
Power of a Voice
I was only 2 years old when this transpired; Too young to have memory of this event. I was in New York when I was in 6th grade, even went to a memorial for all those lost while the current one was still being built. I still didn't grasp things at the time, even when the man who led our group broke down in tears, recalling how his friend had taken his shift that day at the fire station. To tell you the truth, I didn't really feel anything. It seemed surreal and very distant. Hard to connect with. Hard to get.
Now, at 24, I get it. Kevin, just listening to your call helped click things into place for me. You were just a guy going about his life, working as you always did, probably looking forward to going home and relaxing like many do after work. That simple pleasure got ripped away from you and everyone else involved on that day. It was senseless. None of you wanted to be martyrs for a cause-- you just wanted to go home. I wish you could've. Your last words have been looping in my head all day. Up until then you had remained fairly collected, all things considered, but that last harrowing yell... dear lord. It made it feel real to me. That's the power of a voice.
I don't believe in an afterlife, but if there is one I wholly and sincerely wish you're resting there in comfort and serenity. I hope your family, and all the others, have found some peace.
Posted by Jillian F.
Innocent man
9/11, was when I was a kid and didn't understand properly what was happening.Now watching videos about this and hearing people's voices, it's upsetting and should not have happened. Kevin's voice is one of a few which is actually emotional and can feel how he was trapped. To all the firefighters, first responders and victims, you might have left the world but you will always stay with me. The saddest day in the world and hearing people's voices just makes it sound more real and heart-breaking. Rest in peace Kevin M Cosgrove.
Posted by Saqib
At Peace
I hope that your in a better place. Rest In Peace.
Posted by Anonymous
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