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Anonymous (not verified)

February 17, 2020

Marie- To say Carl and I miss you is just not enough on this anniversary. We lost a good friend but would like to think you have been watching over us and smiling at the birth of our grandchildren and Renee s wedding. May God give Rudy the peace and happiness he deserves. Let this anniversary give peace to your family and friends who love you so. You are never far from our thoughts. I miss your smile.


Posted by Anna Enriquez

Anonymous (not verified)

September 23, 2022

I am in the 9th grade and I am doing a project on 9/11. To any family or friends of Marie Rose Abad, I want to say that I am so sorry for your loss.

Posted by Anonymous

E (not verified)

November 18, 2024

Marie, you have touched my heart with your story. You have succeeded in your wish to help kids in poverty. Rudy, my thoughts are with you. Your wife is very proud of what you have done for the kids living in poverty in the Philippines. Let us remember Marie, and all those lost because of that tragic day. May their memories be treasured and never ever forgotten.

Posted by "E"

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Location on 9/11:
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods | Senior Vice President

Marie Abad loved her job as a senior vice president at Keefe Bruyette & Woods, where she was one of the highest-ranking women in the firm. But it was equally important to her to find an escape from work, said her husband, Rudy, and she found that through the hundreds of books she went through each year. Ms. Abad, 49, read on the train commuting from Long Island to the World Trade Center, and she read on vacation.

Each October, she and her husband would spend three weeks in Hawaii — a tradition that started on their honeymoon and continued over the next two decades — and every year she would make sure she had plenty to read. Hawaii meant down time: days on end when the biggest decision was where to have dinner, and the passage of time was marked by the leisurely flutter of turned pages — novels, biographies, celebrity tell-alls.

"She'd go through eight books in three weeks, and these were not little books," Mr. Abad said. "I know because I did the packing." Ms. Abad, who was born and raised in Queens, did not plan on a career in business. She studied sociology at Queens College and dreamed of being a teacher. She and her husband had plotted out the lives they would lead when the workaday world could be left behind: six months of the year traveling was their plan. And of course, a world of books to explore.