Portrait of Michael San Phillip
Memorial Program for Michael San Phillip

Newspaper Article - "You don't know what tomorrow brings"

World Trade Center Tragedy - In memory of Michael San Phillip

Remembrance of Michael San Phillip

Remembrance of Michael San Phillip

Remembrance of Michael San Phillip

Remembrance of Michael San Phillip

Remembrance of Michael San Phillip

Remembrance of Michael San Phillip

Remembrance of Michael San Phillip

Memorial Program for Michael San Phillip

New York Times - Portraits of Grief

Articles about Michael San Phillip

Article about Michael San Phillip

Newspaper Article - "Victim's story one of strength"

Newspaper Article - "Father's spirit stays with daughter's memories"

Newspaper Article - "Area families, friends gather to seek healing"

Newspaper Article about Michael San Phillip

Tribute to Michael San Phillip

Article Tribute to Michael San Phillip

In memory of Michael San Phillip

Article - "Remembering those we've lost"

Class of 1967 Scholarship Honors - Michael San Phillip

Tribute to Michael San Phillip

Michael San Phillip Memorial Scholarship

Correspondence - Thank You Card

Michael San Phillip Achievement Award, March 2002

The Lawrenceville School Memorial Service

Michael San Phillip - Dedication of Memorial

Tribute to Michael San Phillip

The Village of Ridgewood - Tribute to Michael San Phillip

Village of Ridgewood Memorial Service

In memory of STANY and STA Members
Michael's personal items
Tribute to Michael San Phillip

Tribute to Michael San Phillip

Tribute to Michael San Phillip

Tribute to Michael San Phillip

Tribute to Michael San Phillip

Tribute to Michael San Phillip

Tribute to Michael San Phillip
Michael San Phillip and Family

Michael San Phillip Wedding Photo

Michael San Phillip at the beach

Michael San Phillip Wedding Photo

Michael San Phillip Wedding Photo

In memory of Michael San Phillip

In memory of Michael San Phillip

Michael San Phillip at the beach

Michael San Phillip Wedding Photo

Michael San Phillip Wedding Photo
Michael San Phillip and Family

Michael San Phillip and Family

In memory of Michael San Phillip

Tribute to Michael San Phillip

In memory of Michael San Phillip
Michael San Phillip Business Card
New Jersey Living Memorial, A Grove of Remembrance
Ridgewood Ave. Train Station 9/11 Memorial (DELETE)
Empty Sky: NJ State 9/11 Memorial
Ridgewood Country Club Memorial
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Michael San Phillip, 55, was an executive with Sandler O'Neil & Partners, carving out a successful career in finance. But what he was most interested in was becoming a grandfather, according to an October 1 obituary in The Times. His oldest daughter was having a child and Phillip, known as "Captain Paddle" in Ridgewood, treasured the title of grandfather, which was expected by December. Phillip, sadly, was never able to realize that dream.
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