Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
| Police Officer
Dedicated Memorial Sites:
Staten Island 9/11 Postcards Memorial Queen Elizabeth II September 11 Memorial Garden
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Crescent Beach Park - Flagpole/Memorial for 9/11 Victims
Garrison Elementary School American Patriot Garden
Personal Memorial Website:
Still a hero, always a hero.
Still a hero, always a hero. Still missed and remembered.
Posted by Mrs. Peter Veneziale
We miss you! These people did
We miss you! These people did a nice job putting this together.
Submitted by Randy & Megan Smith
I still remember that day as
I still remember that day as if it were yesterday.I take time every year to visit the web to pray for the families and friends still greiving their loss. God bless you
Published by JoAnn Amoroso Leidolph
Officer Amoroso and family,
Officer Amoroso and family, Although I have never met you your picture and story was mentioned during a meeting that I was at in Quantico Virginia. I was taken away by your heroic actions on September 11th 2001. As a native of New Jersey I also remember that day as if it just happened. My father was just a few blocks away during the terrorist attack. Currently serving as an active duty Marine please know that your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Having been to Iraq and deploying to Afghanistan in October understand that it is heroes like you that make it an honor and privilege to serve this great nation. As my wife and I just recently had our first child I can assure you that he will hear the story of Officer Amoroso. We will never forget. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Semper Fi.
Posted by Captain Matt, United States Marine Corps
We miss and love you
We miss and love you
Posted by Jess, Mom, and Dad
We miss you! These people did
We miss you! These people did a nice job putting this together.
Posted by Randy & Megan Smith
Words cannot describe what a
Words cannot describe what a fantastic man husband dad and police officer you must have been. The letter that you wrote to your daughter will resonates inside me forever. You will be in my morning thoughts prayers and meditation for some time to come. I am overwhelmed at your kind words to your family. You are a true hero and inspiration to all you have touch even after you have left this planet......your legacy will always be here. Heres to you Christopher Amaroso an amazing man!
Posted by Rob S.
Today in San Diego I climbed
Today in San Diego I climbed Stairs for the 911 Memorial Stair Climb. This is the first time I participated in this event. We all were given a name and photo to wear in memory. I wore Christopher Amoroso. I went home and researched this amazing man. I was so touched by his story and his letter to his daughter. I wanted you to know I am so honored to have been given this name today to climb for. I will share this story with all my friends and pass on the memory of Christopher. Never Forget!
Published by Shar Stuht
Yesterday I ran at the
Yesterday I ran at the Patriot Run 5k in memory of the 9/11 victims. I wore a bib with Christopher Amoroso's name on it, and hadn't realized just how amazing this young man was. I already had a foundation of awe and gratitude with his sacrifice, but having read more about his life and accomplishments, I've grown more aware and grateful for having had people like him in this world. Thank you, Christopher - a million times over.
Posted by Monica Benavides
I am a freshman in high…
I am a freshman in high school this year and I am doing a project on Christopher Amoroso. I am so sorry for anyone who knew him. He saved lives and inspired so many people. He was such an amazing man and his sacrifice will not be forgotten.
Posted by Kira J.
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