Metuchen Freedom Plaza 9/11 Memorial
New Jersey Living Memorial, A Grove of Remembrance
Empty Sky: NJ State 9/11 Memorial
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Suzy was raised by her loving parents Tony and Helene and sister Irene and blessed with so much love from her whole family.
As a little girl, Suzy liked to follow me around, her older sister. We would play together for hours. I was always the teacher and Suzy was the student. I would teach her math, reading, and spelling. We liked to walk to the park, and play on the swings and slide. We would roller skate, play stoop ball, etc. On our street there was a lot of kids and always someone around to play with. We also lived down the street from the elementary school PS 206 and had the whole school yard to meet and play with neighborhood kids. There was always a game of punch ball going on, or we would play racket ball, stick ball, everyone knew one another and the older kids who hung around always looked out for the smaller ones. We couldn't wait for the Good Humor Ice Cream Man to come around, or Mr. Softy. Sometimes during the summer months, the carney guy would come around with the whip ride, or the half moon, and that was always a treat. We would ride our bikes, jump rope, play Kick the Can or Johnny on the Pony. I guess whatever I did, Suzy had to do it, too. We used to share a room when we were younger and we had a small back and white TV in our room. On Saturday night, I would put on Thriller, and Suzy would get nightmares.
We would visit our grandparents in Canada, during the winter and summer holidays. Our grandparents had a large house, and, of course, Suzy and I would get into mischief. One summer, after visiting some small museum with our parents, Suzy and I turned my grandparent's basement into a museum and charged our family members for a tour. Suzy and I would go downtown and buy candy. We would stop at the train station and take a penny, place it into the machine, and make a good luck piece from it.
One summer, Suzy and I along with our cousins went to visit our aunt and uncle's farm and we were jumping from one side of the barn to the other in the hay, chasing chickens, picking eggs,picking corn, and we all came down with a case or ring worm. I guess city kids just don't mix with farm animals.
Suzy loved to ride horses, go fishing, and camping. My parents had a camper and Suzy would go camping on the weekends, she loved to go tubing down the Delaware River, play pool at the club house and hang around with the other kids at the camp ground. The campground always had different activities each weekend, and years later, when we became adults ourselves, together we purchased our own pop-up camper and returned to the same campground we enjoyed as kids.
Suzy was an all around American Girl/Woman. She enjoyed the simple things in life along with all the excitement the city offered during the week. She loved spending time with her family and friends and we all kept her very busy. She loved to travel, and enjoyed the different island beaches, relaxing in the sun, reading a good book, or listening to her favorite music on her Walkman. Suzy loved having fun and no matter where you went with her you were sure to be laughing in no time. We were always able to find the comedy in life's little mishaps. Suzy was a caring and loving aunt, a best friend to me as well as being my little sister. We had plans for our old age together, we were going to be two feisty old ladies, with nothing more than a life time of wonderful memories and stories, along with hours of laughing and the tears from laughing so hard.
Suzy enjoyed the holidays spent with family, friends and the needy people. She looked out for two special little sisters who were living in a homeless shelter with their mother and she became their secret Santa. Each year, the day right after Thanksgiving, she would go shopping to buy toys for the two little girls. One year, they sent her a note thanking her along with their picture and she placed their picture in her wallet next to her family photos she carried with her all the time. It meant a lot for Suzy to give to those who had a lot less. Sometimes money may have been tight for her but, she always found a way to help others.
Suzy had so much to offer in life, she worked very hard with Aon Corp. and went to school to earn her brokers license and on weekends she would work part-time to earn extra cash in order to better herself. Her goal in life was to purchase a home no matter how long it took, she was able to make her dream come true on August 2001. She gave so much joy and love in her life especially for her cat Max, which brought Suzy so much happiness. To know Suzy was to love her. Her friends Debbie, Wendy, etc., can even tell you stories that will leave you laughing so hard.
That was our Suzy. One happy, loving, caring hard-working women.
God Bless You, Suzy.
You will be missed very dearly.
Tribute submitted by Irene Durbin
To the Passaro Family,
To the Passaro Family,
I'm Anthony, I have dated Suzanne. The pictures you have at the Memorial, I took. Please contact me 6463025993. I remember bringing dad a fish dish at the Keyfood Wharehouse on ave D. I took the pictures of her under the Fireworks and her holding the glass of wine. Thank you so much for using them. I used to pick her up at Bingo on Ave U and watch her play softball. I know her, she has a sister and a lil nephew she was wild about, she used to tell me the way he said Brocci Rabbe. Please family, call me 646-302-5993. God Bless, I will see her again I promise you 😢 Anthony Pucci
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