Sharon with Family: Patty, Andrea and Sharon, 1994

Sharon with mom, Christina and Father Mauricio in the early 80's

Sharon with nephews and nieces Natalie, Stephen and Richard, Summer 2001 in Stony Brook

Sharon with family: Sharon, Andrea and Natalie, 2000

Family dinner: Richard, Sharon and Andrea, 1996

Sharon and Andrea at Disney (Disneyworld Boardwalk), 1996

Sharon with brother Carlos, 1995/1996

Stephen's Christening: Carlos, Stephen and Sharon

Sharon and nephew Stephen

Family photo at Godchild Stephen's 1st birthday party

Sibling picture, Christmas in the 1990's: Carlos, Richard, Sharon and Patty

Sharon with nephew Richard, 1997

Sharon's Godchild Stephen's Christening, 1987

Sharon with nephew Stephen, 1997

Sharon, mom, Andrea and Natalie on Natalie's 1st birthday, 1997

Sharon with Aunt Alicia, early 80's

Sharon and sister Patty at Andrea's bachelorette party, 1994

Sharon with nephews at mom's house in Whitestone: Little Gerard, Stephen and Sharon

Family at Richard and Andrea's wedding in 1994: Carlos, Patty, Richard, Christina and Sharon

Sharon and brother Richard at Nephew Richard's Christening, January 1998

Sharon and Stephen

Family photo at baby Richard's Christening in January 1998: Patty, Andrea, Sharon and baby Richard

Sharon and nephew Richard with Patty in background at Richard's cousin's birthday party, 1998
Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in the Dominican Republic

Disney vacation

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon vacationing in Italy

Sharon in Pisa, Italy on the grass

Sharon in Florence, Italy

Sharon going to Colombia

Sharon going to Colombia

Sharon heading to Colombia

Sharon vacationing in the Dominican Republic

Sharon vacationing in the Dominican Republic

Sharon vacationing in the Dominican Republic

Sharon vacationing in the Dominican Republic

Sharon vacationing in the Dominican Republic

Sharon vacationing in the Dominican Republic

Sharon on Disney vacation

Sharon on Disney vacation

Sharon on Disney vacation

Sharon on Disney vacation

Sharon on Disney vacation

Sharon on Disney vacation

Sharon on Disney vacation

Sharon on Disney vacation

Sharon on Disney vacation

Sharon on Disney vacation
Upstate NY

Mom's favorite picture of Sharon

Sharon in upstate New York

Sharon in upstate New York

Sharon in the Hamptons, NY

Sharon in the Hamptons, NY

Sharon in the Hamptons, NY

Sharon in New York City

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends

Sharon and friends
Childhood photo of Sharon

Childhood photo of Sharon

Letter from Guy Sparks, who worked with Sharon
Mass card, September 2001

Mass card, September 2001
Memorial Program, September 29, 2001

Memorial Program, September 29, 2001
Conseleya 9/11 Memorial
Dewitt 9/11 Memorial
Montclair State University 9/11 Memorial
East Newark 9/11 Memorial
Fair Haven 9/11 Memorial
Freehold Township 9/11 Living Memorial Tree Grove
Crescent Beach Park - Flagpole/Memorial for 9/11 Victims
Garrison Elementary School American Patriot Garden
Keansburg Beach Front Memorial
Just reading about her
Just reading about your sister/daughter.
I'm around the same age as her.
Such a beautiful girl
I think she was a gift here for a short while only
Bless you all x
Posted by Miriam Doran
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