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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I never knew Sandy. But I pull out her yellowed obituary every September 11th. I read it and think of her. In 2001 after the attack, our paper ran every single obituary. I read them all. It was overwhelming at times, but I felt I needed and wanted to read them. I knew I would never remember all their names, so I clipped out Sandy's to keep and remember. One person to focus my thoughts on. I figured she and I would have liked each other. I love cats, and could relate to taking the day off to attend to them. I liked that she wrote as her form of expression. Across the street from my house is our city's Veteran Memorial Park (Beaverton Oregon) We have a monument stone honoring the victims of 9-11. Whenever I take a flower there, I say, "Hello Sandy". Weird to some perhaps, but after reading the story she wrote about her missing cat Orion, I think she would like it. Yep she and I would have been friends if we had ever met. Next year I will again take out my yellowed obituary of Sandy and re-read it. Rest in peace, fellow cat lover. Someday we will meet.

Posted by Janet Erwin

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Ma am, We are running at Lackland AFB, TX in your Honor. God Bless your soul and God Bless your family

Posted by Marisa B.

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