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Anonymous (not verified)

February 18, 2020

I was looking to add a comment on a friends page when I came across Dom s picture. I read about her and laughed about the fact that she spent $1000 in just two weeks at Banana Republic. So somehting I would do and it made me laugh a little. I hope you find comfort that your beautiful daughter touched a stranger in in a joyful way - and she is remmebered.

Published by Karen C.

Anonymous (not verified)

February 18, 2020

It's been eight years and although time continues to move forward, the pain of losing you never lessens. Every day you are thought of and deeply missed. With each star in the sky, every dragonfly that takes flight, and every sunflower that blooms, you are remembered and loved.


Anonymous (not verified)

September 22, 2022

I am a Junior in high school doing a school project on 9/11 and it's victims. I was given Joseph to research and this is probably the most heartbreaking thing I've had to read up on.

My heart goes out to the people still hurting from this loss, and to Joseph.

I'm very sorry you had to lose him, he seemed like a good guy. I send my condolences

Posted by Anonymous

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