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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
Fair Haven, NJ
Location on 9/11:
Fiduciary Trust International | Senior Vice President/Director of Technology

Edmund McNally was in the market for a new car. He was thinking about a Volvo, but he wanted to be sure.

He read up on other options in the automobile magazines. He went to dealerships and drove some of the possibilities.

A BMW. A Mercedes. This research went on for a year. Finally, he knew the best car for him ‹ a Volvo.

Mr. McNally loved cars but he also loved shopping, so what difference did it make how long it took to buy something? He enjoyed the process.

In particular, he got a thrill out of finding the absolute best price.

"We had role reversal," said his wife, Liz. "I shop under pressure. He enjoyed shopping."

Mr. McNally, 40, a senior vice president and director of technology at Fiduciary Trust, lived in Fair Haven, N.J., with his wife and three children, Brienne, Erin and Shannon, and in a lot of ways he was an oversized child.

He relished playing tennis with his wife and going to the beach to ride his body board in the water with the children. Last year, the family took its first trip to Disney World.

"He went on all the rides and had the most fun of all," Mrs. McNally said.

The next thing he had his eye on was getting a sailboat.

"He was warming me up to getting one," Mrs. McNally said. "I think he had a ways to go. But he knew me. It took time, but he would get his way."