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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Doug lived down the hall from me my senior year at Gettysburg College. I recall one night staying up late watching a movie with him. That was the first time I saw the real sensitive side of Doug. I never thought he liked me until that night.

Doug really did pull himself together in his last year at Gettysburg and it is so tragic that his life was cut short just as he was really making his way up... I am sorry I never gave you the benefit of the doubt Doug. You were a good guy.

Posted by Casey Jaykus

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I just wanted to let you know that my son (10 years old) had to choose a victim of 9-11 and do a report on them. They had to choose a person that started with the same letter as their last name. My son chose Doug. He wrote a really nice summary of Doug's life and will be wearing a button with his picture in memory of him in a school program on September 8. I just wanted you to know that we have not forgotten in Dothan Alabama. Best Wishes Jill Dykes (mom)

Posted by Jill Dykes

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

This weekend I visited the 9/11 Memorial and felt deep sorrow for those that perished and their loved ones. As we were about to leave someone suggested we all remember one name from the wall and pray for that person. Douglas your name was the one I focused on so you will remain in my prayers. I hope you have found peace among the Angels. Respectfully, Valerie Sclafani

Posted Val

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