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Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

Dear Dom -

Nearly 8 years have passed since you left us but not a single day goes by without our family thinking of you. The fond memories and values for which you stood for will always remain with us.

As we are sure you know, your family has done remarkably well since your passing. Each one has started new chapters in their lives but continue to live your legacy of compassion, sincerity and love for others. And as they turn each page the remembrances of you remains. Janet has done remarkably well and is living life to the fullest. Jeanna and Jaclyn are beautiful young women and Dominick your namesake is a spitting image of you; gifted, talented and respectful. Your presence continues to live in their hearts.

May you find comfort in joining your Dad , other family members and colleagues who have gone before us. Rest in Peace.

With Love
Christine, Anthony, Nicole & Bobby

Anonymous (not verified)

February 21, 2020

I am an airman in the US Air Force and we will be having a memorial run tomorrow in honor of the 9/11 victims. We have all been provided a runners bib with a specific name from 9/11. I was provided Dominick's name and read his bio. 9/11 hits a very personal note with me and I'm taking this charge with honor. It's people like Dominick that convinced me to join the Air Force. I will run for him, his wife and his children! I have 3 kids of my own and for the first time they will not be the reason for my passion Dominick s children will be!! I run for him and his entire family! God bless you and always know you have my undivided attention when it comes to defending this country!!!!!

Posted by James Weltin

Bailey Lester (not verified)

September 21, 2022

My name is Bailey Lester and I attend Paola High School, in my history class, we are doing a project on 9/11. Schools, individuals, and groups will never forget the tragedy that happened on 9/11. I give my condolences to Janet and Dominick's 3 children, he would be very proud of them and I am too. Surviving the pain of losing a husband and father takes a strong human.

Rest in peace Dominick.

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In Remembrance
Place of Residence:
Manalapan, NJ
Location on 9/11:
Cantor Fitzgerald | Municipal Bond Broker

The last weekend of his life was a special one for Dominick Enrico Calia -- and typical, too.

After returning home to Manalapan, N.J., on Friday night from his job as a municipal bond broker at Cantor Fitzgerald, Mr. Calia, 40, quickly changed into gym clothes, then coached baseball practice for his son's team. The next morning, he and his wife, Janet, ushered their two daughters to separate soccer practices. Then, for the first time in 10 years, he and his wife spent 24 hours away from the kids. They went to Cape May and Atlantic City. The next morning, they made it back for — of course — another soccer practice.

Perhaps you get the picture: Mr. Calia was very active in his children's lives, from never-ending athletics to frequent trips to New York City. And now, their son, Dominick Richard Calia, wants to change his middle name so he can be Dominick Jr. "My son is 7 years old," Mrs. Calia said. "I tell him, `The seven years you had with dad is a lifetime, and some people don't even get that. It's the quality, not the quantity, that counts.' "