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Abby Ediger (not verified)

September 16, 2024

My name is Abby Ediger. I am a senior in high school. I am doing a research project on an individual who lost their life during 9/11. I send my condolences to her and her family.

Posted by Abby Ediger

Janka (not verified)

September 25, 2024

Tak hrozné, že práve vtedy v ten deň a v tú minútu si sa tam ocitla , aký krutý osud.. Odpočívaj v pokoji

(Translated from Slovak: So terrible that right then on that day and in that minute you found yourself there, what a cruel fate.. Rest in peace)

Posted by Janka

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Place of Residence:
Chicago, IL
Location on 9/11:
Carr Futures | Documentation Coordinator

Andrea Haberman and Allen Kolodzik were engaged last April in the gazebo at St. Norbert's College in Wisconsin, where they met freshman year. At first, she thought he was weird, Mr. Kolodzik said, but by sophomore year they were dating. Sixteen months was not too much time to plan a wedding scheduled for December 2001. By the end of the summer, Ms. Haberman — snap-tight organized — had booked the rooms, bought the dress, planned the honeymoon, made hundreds of lists. They had bought a house in Chicago, where they moved after college, and Ms. Haberman was in the thick of decorating. "We had it all down," said Mr. Kolodzik. "As far in advance as 25-year-olds can — marriage and family and so on and so forth." Ms. Haberman grew up in rural Wisconsin, where her parents own a restaurant. She grew to love Chicago after taking a job there with Carr Futures, but she had never visited, or wanted to visit, New York. But when her company asked her to go there for a day of meetings, she steeled herself. She arrived late Monday night, Sept. 10. She had a 9 a.m. meeting in the north tower on Tuesday. She was there 20 minutes early.