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120 Brooklyn-Queens Greenway
Brooklyn, NY 11225
United States
Dedicated to:

The lives of people from Brooklyn that were lost on Sept. 11th

Contact Information:

Purpose: According to Prospect Park Alliance's Amanda Eisen, the site is "to commemorate the lives of people from Brooklyn that were lost on that day, and to give the community a space for reflection and healing."
Reason site was selected: This site was selected because it is one of the closest points in the park to Manhattan and the former WTC, and yet it is not in particularly any neighborhood. It is in an area that needed restoration anyways, and this grant will help to restore some of Olmsted's original designs. As a grove, it will stand apart for 9-11 remembrance, but will integrate with the rest of the park landscape. The Alliance wanted to do something because people came to Prospect Park in droves on September 11 and the days that followed. Families gathered there to "give their kids a sense of normalcy," but the pervasive quietness and the presence of ash and debris marked those days as not just any other weekend. Events planned for site: The public will be notified of the grove as the project moves forwards, and individuals can dedicate trees for loved ones. The staff anticipates that many organic events will occur once the space is developed and dedicated; as such spaces are desperately needed in the city.
Do you believe your memorial is a sacred place?: According to the project's landscape architect, "the park is a historic landmark. It is already sacred ground, and the memorial will add another layer to that."