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Mamaroneck Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583
United States
Dedicated to:

The 110 Westchester residents who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks.

Contact Information:

The Scarsdale Memorial Garden was conceived by the American Legion and has gained the full support of the community. Its purpose is to forever commemorate America's fallen heroes and serve as a reminder for the sacrifices made for freedom. Reason site was selected. The garden is sheltered by mature trees planted after WW II and is situated between Scarsdale's municipal pool, children's enrichment center and community athletic fields. It is a well-used, accessible public place and located clearly on Mamaroneck Road - the same road used by George Washington's troops during the Revolutionary War. The American Legion, Scarsdale Post 52 has played a special role in the Garden's creation, donating 2 acres of undeveloped land and a significant amount of funding. In 1998, the Legion sold its post to the Village of Scarsdale using the payment to build the memorial garden. The American Legion is committed to keeping the memory of our heroes alive. This site offers an unique, healing design with a winding path that enables the visitor to reflect in a peaceful setting. Private enclaves shelter individual, handcrafted monuments depicting each American war experience. In collaboration with the community's children's enrichment center, the Legion will offer guided tours of the garden to school children (grades 4-7). Events planned for site. The garden held an opening ceremony on May 5, 2002 which included local and national representatives as well as religious leaders, the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, a Fife and Drum Band, local police officers, families of the victims of 9/11 and many community residents. Our key partners in these events are the Village of Scarsdale and the Junior League of Central Westchester. The Memorial Committee will host annual events, which include a 9/11 Sunset Memorial. On the first anniversary we plan to hold a candlelight vigil with music and reflection. Other annual events will be held on Flag Day, June 14th and on Veterans Day, November 11th. The Legion is also committed to keeping the history of Westchester alive and hopes to publish a 30-page booklet recounting the history of Westchester in wartime efforts. Do you believe your memorial is a sacred place?Our memorial is a special place that has been set apart and dedicated in memory of lives lost and sacrifice for a greater common good.