Tom Burnett and those who died on 9/11
Contact Nicole Blazin of the City of San Ramon.
This is a public park dedicated to those who died on 9/11. The purpose of the memorial grove is to honor those who died on 9/11, and others who wanted to purchase a tree and plaque. The park includes a BMX track, dog park, Grove of Memorial trees, children's play area, picnic area, bocce courts, horseshoes, baseball field, and the cornerstone is a huge rock with a plaque honoring all who died with special recognition to Tom Burnett, Flight 93, a former resident of San Ramon. Reason site was selected. The site was selected because it sits high on a hill and overlooks Mount Diablo and the San Ramon Valley. Events planned for site. Last year on 9/11, the city displayed 3000 flags in the Memorial Grove to honor all 9/11 victims. Ongoing events will include the active recreation described above. Do you believe your memorial is a sacred place? "No. It's a public site; although you do feel a spiritual sense when you visit because it sits high on a hill and the wind is always blowing, and standing in front of the trees or plaque, it send you to another place, a quiet, personal place."