To honor and remember Jaceryll de Chavez, Colleen Ann Meehan Barkow and Joseph Mangano as well as all the victims that perished on that horrific day.…
To honor and remember the three people who perished on September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center in New York City as well as all the victims that perished on that horrific day. Reason site was selected: The site was selected because it could be located within the Borough of Carteret's main park. This park is used for many community activities including the "We Remember September 11th," held every September 11th in Carteret. Events planned for site: There will be student tours by the borough schools to learn and remember the horror of September 11th. The town will also coordinate an annual "We Remember" Ceremony on the site. The three trees dedicated in memory of Jaceryll Dechavez, Colleen Ann Meehan Barkow and Joseph Mangano are surrounded by flowers which are changed each season. A candle and memorial plaque has been placed in front of each tree. There site is constantly illuminated in honor of those lost.