Dedicated to:
Members of the Bernards Township Community who lost their lives in the tragic events of September, 11.
Victims Listed:
David Otey Campbell "OteyorDoc"Stephen P. Dimino
Barbara Edwards
John W. Farrell
Louis V. Fersini Jr.
Michael Bradley Finnegan
Christopher Hugh Forsythe
Steven G. Genovese
Debra L.F. Gibbon
Thomas E. Gorman
Robert John Halligan
Kevin James Hannaford
John Clinton Hartz
Anthony P. Infante
Thomas Patrick Knox "Tommy"
Joseph A. Mascali
Matthew T. McDermott
Stacey Sennas McGowan
Ludwig John Picarro "Lud"
Stephen E. Poulos
Thomas Barnes Reinig
Timothy P. Soulas
Craig William Staub
Frank P. Wisniewski "Paul"
“September 11, 2001. We shall never forget our friends and neighbors who rode the rails with us that morning but did not return with us that night. May this tree serve as a living memorial to the following community members who died in the tragic attack on the World Trade Center: David O. Campbell, Stephen P. Dimino, John W. Farrell, Louis V Fersini Jr., Michael B. Finnegan, Christopher H. Forsythe, Steven G. Genovese, Robert J. Halligan, Kevin J. Hannaford, John Hartz, Matthew T. McDermott, Stacey McGowan, Ludwig J. Picarro, Stephen E. Poulos, Timothy P. Soulas, Craig W. Staub, and Frank T. Wisniewski.”